The Gift Of Three
It was a long time ago in Bethlehem a newborn babe was born
Laid in manger where the ox and lamb before him bow
Yet there was a star in the east that shone in the sky
ahh still she hums a lullaby
hush lil baby don’t you cry we hear the angels sing on high
now they bend to the earth quite low to gaze upon the glorious glow
Here they come the three of Kings
Bringing treasures of radiance of the east
The symbols of destiny
Frankincense for divinity
Gold is the Glory from Heaven to earth
and the anointing of sacrifice is the Oil of Myrrh
But now we see the roles of the Three
all pointing to the Holy Trinity
I came to give new life and peace and truth.
There it is the Gift you see
Its there for the poor and the kings of three
But today we bow and give thanks above
Thet God gave us a Son to love
Merry Christmas
Dr Theresa Phillips Praise Ministries International 2024
Join us Sunday 1150 North 5th Avenue
Saint Charles IL 1030 Am